"A True Friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down"! ~Author Unknown



Happy St. Patricks Day!!


Today we had a Volleyball Tournament!

Today we had a Volleyball Tournament in Rigby! We played firth first and we beat them both games!! Then we played Hillcrest and we didn't win any but thtas ok! Then after we played Rigby!!! We won the second game! It was SO MUCH FUN! Good Job Allysa, Taylor, Alexis, Heather, Meg, Allysa G., Sierra!!!!! GO EDITABLES


Volleyball Scrimedge!

Today we had a little game with Pam Ackerman's team for volleyball!! We all did WAY good! Allysa, Kim, and Heather were gone though! It was WAY fun! Good Job Editables!


Talent Show in our Classes!

Awhile ago Allysa, ME, Tay, Taysa, and Abi did our dance we do at Jill's! We had to perform in our class then if we got voted we could go to the 5th grade talent show! Well we danced in Mrs. Edwards class and we were first! Then we did it in Mrs. Hills class and GUESS WHAT we were the TOP IN BOTH CLASSES!!

Then today, we had the one where we did it in front of the WHOLE 5th grade!! We were about number 15, out of 18. So we were like 3rd to last to do our talent! IT was WAY WAY FUN!! GOOD JOB EVACUATE DANCERS!! You all did AWESOME!